Uploading Guidelines
Uploading Guidelines
- Ensure that the images you want to offer have a decorative or artistic appearance.
- Name your images for easy searchability: FirstName-LastName-ModelName/ProjectTitle (i.e.: John-Smith-Jane-Jones-1.jpg or John-Smith-Project-Name-1.jpg)
- You can upload up to 10 images at a time.
- Images should be high quality, largest NATIVE pixel dimension.
- DO NOT UPSIZE or UPRES, we will take care of this for you.
- Files should be prepared as 8 bit RGB JPEGs with your working RGB colour profile embedded.
- Save your JPEG files at the highest quality possible.
- Do not exceed 100MB per image.
- Do not add any watermark or copyright info.
- Do not enlarge your images in a photo editing program.